Friday, February 20, 2009

Bowflex - Consumer Behavior

The Health and Fitness industry has exploded in the past few years. People find anyway they can to get into great shape, and have simple exercises that can be accomplished in a convienient time and place. The Bowflex company promotes its various home gyms through television commercials, internet advertisements, advertisements in Health and Fitness Magazine, and other various promotional locations.

"Bowflex home gyms can help you completely reshape your body. If you want to lose weight, get in great shape and feel great, a Bowflex home gym is for you. These revolutionary gyms deliver the gym-quality results you want in your own home" (

Here is where I get a little confused about consumer's logic when purchasing this product. When I see Bowflex commercials and advertisements, I see the thin, muscular, and attractive people demonstrating the machines, and now I realize, that is how they get people to purchase this product. Consumers see individuals such as this and believe that if they were to use this machine like they state, (only 20 minutes a day) you can look like them as well. Is this true though?

Personally I know that it won't matter how much I workout, I will never look like the people in the commercials. I also dislike the fact that their product tries to tell consumers that using the machine is all you need to do to become healthy. I am a very strong believer in working out, but I think the Bowflex company needs to incorporate nutrition into their product as well. If they could bundle their product with other health and fitness regimes, I think they would see a dramatic increase in their sales, as well as an increase in their customer satisfaction.

Attached is a video of a consumer using one of the Bowflex products:

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